There are a lot of reasons why people buy thread. Whether you’re purchasing thread for the first time, or you’ve been embroidering for years, there may be many different reasons you choose to use the thread you use. Some people use the thread brand that came with their machine. Other embroiderers tend to buy thread based on color needs rather than brands. There are always those who buy based on price, and the cheapest price often seems to win. There are a lot of reasons people choose the thread they use, but one that isn’t often considered is consistency.
A consistent thread retains the same properties over time. The hues of the dyes used to color the thread don’t vary. The tensile strength of the thread remains constant. The cost of the thread stays reasonably steady. The quality of the thread doesn’t vary from lot to lot. The results you got when you used the thread the first time should, if the thread is consistent, be the results you get when you use the thread for the thirty-third time. Consistency in thread matters for several reasons.
Etiam quis interdum felis, at pellentesque metus. Morbi eget con lectus. Donec eleifend ultricies urna et euismod. Sed consectetur tellus eget odio aliquet, vel vestibulum tellus.
Lee Hari — CEO of Woostify
Vestibulum viverra mi non dolor aliquet, sed mollis dolor vulputate. Proin lacus ante, aliquet a libero eget, efficitur conse quat sem. Nunc non orci leo. Sed porta massa eget ligula lacinia, in iaculis metus consequat. Sed vehicula risus at neque pharetra, nec convallis risus placerat tristique pulvinar nunc sit amet. Praesent non lectus sit amet nibh posuere tristique. Aenean et dui ut mauris dapibus venenatis.
Maecenas eu ante a elit tempus fermentum. Aliquam com modo tincidunt semper, phasellus accumsan. Musto ac mollis pharetra, ex dui pharetra nisl, a scelerisque ipsum nulla ac sem. Integer hendrerit egestas magna.
Pellentesque velit placerat et. Integer pulvinar dolor eu metus elementum, at commodo erat efficitur. Vivamus sol licitudin, quam a ornare vestibulum. Proin sit amet aliquet justo, et finibus neque. Etiam id massa risus.
Lorem turpis egestas magna, in lacinia felis arcu sit amet arcu. Cras eu risus urna. Duis lorem sapien, congue eget nisl sit amet, rutrum faucibus elit. Nullam non tortor massa. Proin ligula leo, hendrerit quis tincidunt a, sodales eget ligula. Donec ornare molestie vehicula. Duis feugiat iaculis. Fusce fermentum ipsum.